1 min read

Batch Unzip Script for WinRAR

Batch Unzip Script for WinRAR
Photo by Mr Cup / Fabien Barral / Unsplash

Extracting multiple zip files at a time can be a time-consuming process. To save time, you can automate the process by creating a simple batch script to unzip multiple files in one go. I have compiled (I’m not the author) a script to automate the task of extracting multiple zip files using WinRAR.

Use the below script to unzip multiple files using WinRAR;

  • Copy the below script in a text file and save it as “batchunzip.bat”.
  • Copy the bat file to the folder where all the zip files are stored.
  • Double-click the bat file and voilà!, all the zip files are extracted, retaining the folder structure inside the zip.
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
set “rarCmd=%programFiles%\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe”

for /r “%cd%” %%a in (*.zip) do “%rarCmd%” x -or -y “%%~fa” * “%~dp0%%~na\”


Hope this helps you.