CISA Exam Resources

Last December I gave my CISA exam, and cleared it. As being from the financial audit background, I thought the paper to be heavy on IT concepts, but I found the paper lighter on the IT side and more skewed towards the audit concepts.
I used the official ISACA manual and question database with CISA study guide by David L Cannon. I found the official manual a bit dry, so I went with the David L Cannon’s CISA study guide.
The most difficult part of the exam was not the preparation or writing the exam, but it was the wait of 5 weeks to get the result after the exam. Well ISACA is moving to computer based testing from Jun 17, so the wait of 5 weeks would be over.
Below, I have compiled a list of free resources, which are helpful in preparing for the CISA exam.
1. ISACA Resources
ISACA offers a free glossary of IT, audit and security terms. It can be downloaded here.
It also offers a self-assessment test, to assess the knowledge domain wise. It can be found here.
2. IT Audit Blogs
There are many IT audit blogs on the internet, which can help you in preparing for CISA exam. One of the most notable I found is a blog by Mack called ITauditSecurity (
The blog has many useful articles for preparing CISA, the master list can be found here. Also Mack has created a 40 page study guide, which is useful in last minute revision. It can be found here.
The site contains over 900 free practice questions. More details can be found here.
4. CYBRARY CISA Videos (
The website contains video lectures domain wise, which can be found here. They also have an android app named “Cybrary”, where you can download the videos also. Apart from the videos, there are some practice tests also available.
This is not a free site, I took the 7-day trial of CBT Nuggets, and found them to be helpful. Their CISA prep course by Steve Caseley is divided into 98 short videos (one video for each knowledge statement).
Hope this helps you. If you know any more resources for CISA exam, please let us know in the comments.